Wednesday 2 July 2008

49 Up & Multimedia

Today we watched the documentary "49 Up," which is the most recent video in a series following a group of British school children every seven years since they were seven. The movie allowed us to get a closer glimpse into British culture, as it relates to schooling and class status.

During technology time, we learned how to edit our Wikispaces page, to link to specific photo albums in Picasa, make general edits to add information, and how to organize information on the site.

Once we had posted links to our Picasa albums featuring the photos of adjectives taken for the photo challenge yesterday. We looked at both the original and the versions we edited with Picnik. Here is a slideshow of our challenge pictures...see if you can guess the adjective each is depicting!

Evening Assignments: 1)Preschool In Three Cultures Excerpt: Nicki, Stephanie, Patty (pages 12-44); Amy, Tara, Kristin (pages 44-71); Tina, Kailey, Michelle (pages 188-221) carefully your part, skim the rest; 2)Play with your movie software (15-20 minutes); 3)Post some kind of information about London on the Wikispaces page.

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